Management Initiated Classification Review
A position’s classification is a reflection of the essential functions of the position. When essential functions change, it is important to review the position to determine if a change in classification or skill level is warranted. A classification review is a comparison between the essential functions of a position and the CSU Classification Standards. Changes in duties and responsibilities may or may not warrant a change in classification or skill level. It is the nature of the position, not the employee that is considered for reclassification.
- Submit the Request to Process Classification and/or Compensation Transactions [DocuSign]
with the required documentation for approval first, then follow steps below.
Management-Initiated Classification Review Request
The manager should submit the required documentation directly to Classification & Compensation via email to .
- Completed Classification Review Request [docx]. This form asks for the rationale for changes being proposed.
- A current position description in Microsoft Word format, as well as the previous position description. These two documents help to highlight any changes to the position.
- An organizational chart. This document helps Classification & Compensation to have an understanding of the structure and reporting relationships surrounding the position under review.
- See the Classification and Compensation Tools page for more resources.
The Review Process
The review process conducted by Classification & Compensation may include any or all of the following:
- Analysis of the materials associated with the position including the position description and the rationale for the requested change.
- In-person desk audits with incumbent, supervisor, and/or managers.
- Comparison to other positions on the campus and/or within the CSU system for similarities and differences in matters such as scope, responsibility, skill level.
When Classification & Compensation has completed the review and analysis, a decision will be rendered and communicated to the requestor.
Timelines and Effective Dates
- Classification & Compensation will complete the Classification Review Request in 180 days or less from the date the request is received in University Personnel.
- Any change in classification and/or compensation will be effective on the first of the month following receipt of the request in University Personnel.
Appeal Process
An employee may appeal the decision of a classification review that was requested by either the employee or management no later than 30 days after such results have been provided to the employee.
Please consult your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for specific details pertaining to you under your Bargaining Unit.