Compliance Training Help and FAQs
- How do I register for my course?
You must first register for a curriculum [pdf], then you will be able to start your course.
- I don’t see a START button. What do I do?
You must first register for a curriculum [pdf], then you will be able to start your course.
- What are the best recommended browsers for CSULearn?
Firefox, Google Chrome and Mozilla. CSULearn does not support Internet Explorer.
- I completed the course. Why do I have to take it again?
Per CSU policy and executive order, some courses must be taken more than once. Review Compliance Training for CSU Employees for more information on the required courses, including the frequency for which they must be taken.
- I’m no longer an employee. Do I have to take this training?
- No, this is only required for active 菠菜网lol正规平台 employees. Email Provide your name, 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and brief message stating you are no longer an active employee.
- How do I view my training transcripts?
From the CSULearn dashboard, click the Training Transcripts tile.
- Where can I find a copy of my training certificate?
- Follow these steps [pdf] on CSULearn.
- Who do I email if I need technical support?
- Submit a ticket through the CSU Learn Webform. [CSU Login required]
- I’m an Administrator/Work Lead. Can I view my direct reports’ training status?
- Yes. Administrators and work leads can view the status of their direct reports’ training status. Review the CSULearn Manager Dashboard Reference Guide [pdf] for detailed steps.
- I completed the course and it says 100% on my transcript. Why am I being asked to
complete it again?
Review Compliance Training for CSU Employees for more information on the required courses, including the frequency for which they must be taken.
You can also view your Training Transcripts tile to see when was the last time you completed the course.
- Do I have to print and save my certificate or forward it to someone?
- We recommend saving a copy of your certificate in your personal files for your own reference, but it is not required to submit a copy to anyone.
- I work/have worked at another CSU campus and have already taken some of the same compliance
training courses. Can I get a waiver for a course(es) already taken?
- Yes. Please email Provide your name, 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and brief message indicating that you work or have worked at another CSU. Indicate that you are requesting that a compliance course(s) be waived. Be sure to include the name of the course(s). Please note, depending on when you completed the course at the other campus, it may still be required to complete again at 菠菜网lol正规平台.